Countries alternative names conflict


I see few names pointing to two different countries.

All osm_ids are relation.

Example: “Belgian kuningaskunta” by google translate is: “Kingdom of Belgium”
and it is pointing to Bangladesh : Nominatim Demo

I hope it is good place to report this problems.

Copy paste table:

alt_name osm_ids count
0 BH [378734, 2528142] 2
1 Belgian kuningaskunta [184640, 52411] 2
2 Bikéyah [184640, 184629] 2
3 Cymanwlad y Bahamas [547469, 547511] 2
4 Etiopia [192800, 571771] 2
5 Guyane [287083, 1260551] 2
6 I-Ostreliya [2177207, 80500] 2
7 Kongo [192794, 192795] 2
8 Libanon [192758, 184843] 2
9 Nigeri [192786, 192787] 2
10 Nijeri [192786, 192787] 2
11 Nikaraagua [192787, 287666] 2
12 RU [60189, 62149] 2
13 Republikken Kongo [192794, 192795] 2
14 Tiongkok [270056, 449220] 2
15 Vestur-Kongó [192794, 192795] 2
16 Virgin Islands [286898, 285454] 2
17 dominik.ka’ijec [307823, 307828] 2
18 ʻAnakola [9407, 195267] 2
19 Республіка Китай [571805, 449220] 2
20 Энэтхэг [304716, 296961] 2
21 ئاندوررا كېنەزلىكى [286393, 9407] 2
22 جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية [192794, 192795] 2
23 غيانا [287083, 1260551] 2
24 亞塞拜然 [364110, 364066] 2
25 多明尼加 [307823, 307828] 2
26 葉門 [223026, 305092] 2
27 阿塞拜疆 [364110, 364066] 2
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That’s a very good list. I checked that of Bangladesh:

The relation consists of the admin_border and two nodes:

  • one in the middle of the capital, Dhaka
  • one in the middle of nowhere with the wrong value in official_name:fi

I copied the value of the Dhaka node to the second one.
The error existed as long as I was able to view the history of the node.

Maybe the other ones are similar.

Checked the BH value too. Seems that it’s not an issue. It’s the
ISO3166-1 value of Bahrein and the short_name of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Albanian language.

Problem of Nigeri and Nijeri solved too:

Nigeri: Node: ‪Nigeria‬ (‪424316663‬) | OpenStreetMap was missing the trailing “a” in name:sq
Nijeri: OpenStreetMap with wrong value in name:ki, the right value is “Niger”.

Libanon too:
Node: ‪ليبيا‬ (‪432425023‬) | OpenStreetMap with name:fy=Libanon, while the relation Relation: ‪ليبيا‬ (‪192758‬) | OpenStreetMap of Lybia is tagged with name:fy=Lybje

Could you elaborate why you expect to have globally unique alt_name for countries?
I would expect name to be unique.

Many of duplicates might be errors but not necessarily all of them.

I checked Virgin Islands:

British Virgin Islands don’t have alt_name tag: Relation: ‪British Virgin Islands‬ (‪285454‬) | OpenStreetMap
United States Virgin Islands have alt_name=U.S. Virgin Islands Relation: ‪United States Virgin Islands‬ (‪286898‬) | OpenStreetMap

I don’t see value Virgin Islands in neither in any of tags.

Nominatim returns Virgin Islands:

  • Virgin Islands (official_name) for British Virgin Islands
  • Virgin Islands (_place_alt_name) for United States Virgin Islands

Bug in Nominatim or some logic I don’t get?

I’ve checked Etiopia (which is the Italian name of Ethiopia) and the relation 571771 represents Marshall Islands and “Etiopia” is been used with the _place_name:se tag; _place_name does not look like an “official” tag and se is the ISO code for the Northen Sami language. Not sure if someone from @mods-finland, @mods-sweden or @mods-norway can help us (sorry if I bother too many people with these tags).

No bug.
Node: ‪British Virgin Islands‬ (‪424311891‬) | OpenStreetMap is part of the relation Relation: ‪British Virgin Islands‬ (‪285454‬) | OpenStreetMap with official_name=Virgin Islands (that may be wrong)

Node: ‪United States Virgin Islands‬ (‪356559371‬) | OpenStreetMap is part of the relation Relation: ‪United States Virgin Islands‬ (‪286898‬) | OpenStreetMap with alt_name=Virgin Islands (that could be right)

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There’s Node: ‪Marshall Islands‬ (‪424311955‬) | OpenStreetMap, part of the relation Relation: ‪Ṃajeḷ‬ (‪571771‬) | OpenStreetMap - and this node is tagged with name:se=Etiopia

But the relation itself is tagged with name:se=Marshallsullot. I would correct the place node with this value. My opinion: Yes, an error that could easily corrected.

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So, that name was changed over 3 years ago from Marshallsullot to Etiopia by @Jon_Harald_Søby which was active until 3 months ago. Maybe we can reach him and ask if it was just a mistake (which I think it is).

Cymanwladas y Bahamas is Welsh for Commonwealth of the Bahamas, this is correct for the Bahamas relation but is clearly an error where it appears on the Bermuda node.

I note the same error appears on the official English name.

Needs checking if the tag is invalid or needs fixing.

Hi! Sorry about that. That’s obviously a mistake, I think from copypasting. I’ve corrected the name in Northern Sámi (se), Inari Sámi (smn) and Skolt Sámi (sms) in a new changeset.


In addition to what the other reply said, you should know that Nominatum uses data from more sources than only OSM. At least, that’s what I learned a few minutes ago from the reply to this post: OpenstreetMap address found on offical website not found in latest version of OSM dump.

No problem, thank you for your edits!

I have removed the incorrect English and Cymraig names from Barbados

I`m very happy to see quick community reaction.
Now situation looks like this:


|alt_name |osm_ids |count|
|葉門 |[223026, 305092] |2 |
|Республіка Китай |[571805, 449220] |2 |
|I-Ostreliya |[2177207, 80500] |2 |
|ئاندوررا كېنەزلىكى |[286393, 9407] |2 |
|Guyane |[287083, 1260551]|2 |
|RU |[60189, 62149] |2 |
|Tiongkok |[270056, 449220] |2 |
|阿塞拜疆 |[364110, 364066] |2 |
|多明尼加 |[307823, 307828] |2 |
|Virgin Islands |[286898, 285454] |2 |
|BH |[378734, 2528142]|2 |
|Republikken Kongo |[192794, 192795] |2 |
|dominik.ka’ijec |[307823, 307828] |2 |
|غيانا |[287083, 1260551]|2 |
|Nikaraagua |[192787, 287666] |2 |
|Nijeri |[192786, 192787] |2 |
|亞塞拜然 |[364110, 364066] |2 |
|Bikéyah |[184640, 184629] |2 |
|ʻAnakola |[9407, 195267] |2 |
|Энэтхэг |[304716, 296961] |2 |
|Vestur-Kongó |[192794, 192795] |2 |
|Kongo |[192794, 192795] |2 |
|جمهورية الكونغو الديمقراطية|[192794, 192795] |2 |


RU is Russia and United Kingdom but it is it appears in different fields so not a problem.

RU is short for Royaume-Uni and appears in a few short name fields.

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