Could we have a emoji :thumps up: as reaction?

I know, but giving a thumb down without explaining why you disagree with an idea is pretty useless, so one would have to give a full explanation in a reply anyway.

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Would this reasoning not equally apply to the giving of a thumbs-up?

Not necessarily. Giving a thumb up you agree, but if you agree you don’t have to explain why. If you disagree there should be an explanation: if you disagree on the content, on the wording, etc. To be clear, this is the explanation I’ve always given myself to why the forums generally do not have a “Thumb down” emoji.




Thumbs up as well as thumbs down are both useful tools to make visible in the simplest way whether a majority of users support or reject a proposal/comment/idea etc. In the old forum this is frequently done by simply posting “+1” or “-1” and both allow an additional comment but do not require such as a basic pricipal.

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Thumbs up and thumbs down (agree/disagree) are something different than “I like” and “I’m angry”.
They are more neutral and better suited in a technical environment.

A thumbs down does not prevent you from explaining why. Anyway I do agree that It should always be done in order to get constructive discussions.


Das like kann das bisher gewohnte +1 ersetzen. Manchmal möchte man aber etwas mit 1-2 Worten ausdrĂŒcken, was kurz und prĂ€gnant ist, aber mehr sagt als +1 oder ein image. Nur like zu klicken ist sehr unpersönlich und fördert auch nicht gerade eine gute Kommunikation. Zudem fehlt dann auch ein dislike und weitere Optionen. Aber ich will eigentlich auch kein Facebook. Deshalb befĂŒrworte ich eine deutlich niedrigere Einstellung.


Message reaction “+1” (upper left corner) does not work: It gives a like :heart:, which I consider as something different than agreement.

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Indeed. This was discussed a bit previously at, and of course proper vote up / vote down options are a prerequisite for moving the help site content here, which I think is is waiting for someone to finsh developing something externally.

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Hallo @nukeador,

ich bin dem Verschieben meines Beitrages


hierher in diesen Thread nicht einverstanden.

Ich weiß, dass (automatische) Übersetzungen schwieriger zu verstehen sind, aber mein Beitrag gehört nicht hierher, weil:

sondern eine kĂŒrzere oder keine “minimum post length”:

Sorry I moved your message and the replies because the conversation was no longer talking about post length and it was focused on the +1 reaction, where we already had this topic.

Discourse doesn’t allow to split a message and move, so I considered that it was better to move them all. The original topic has a link notifying of some messages being moved here.

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Additional emojis not showing up on desktop


these are the reactions we have in the Telegram off-topic group: the order of the emojjis we could add is not particularly useful, but we members of that group use the as +1, -1, +2, pensive, saddened, -2, (missing: laughing face, for which we put +2).

filler filler filler filler

If you react to a post by using the button like (heart) or thumbs_up in both cases the red heart will appear among the action buttons (bottom line, right side). This is well known and has been criticized earlier. It has been requested to replace the heart by the :+1: button here:

Could we have a emoji :thumps up: as reaction? - #52 by chris66

but no result so far.

If you choose any of the other buttons available (like frowning face for instance), the chosen emoji will also appear in the bottom line, but at the left side (the heart icon on the right side is not affected in this case).

If any emoji is already placed on the left side and another user choses to give this post a like or thumbs up, the corresponding icon will be placed beside the already existing emoji there.

I believe this is what most of us users would like. Click a heart, show the heart. Click the :+1: ,show the :+1: . Apparently it is possible under certain conditions. Can we get this working as standard setting?



  • _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _ - _

This is a known bug, setting the icon to the :+1: is resulting into a blank icon. @Firefishy was investigating this.

I’m merging these messages back to the original topic because they are related with the work being done there.


I am aware of that and mentioned this in my original post. Nevertheless the thumbs_up emoji is well visible under certain conditions and that’s why I decided to open a new topic for this.

In general I would prefer to have all reaction emojis (including the heart) shown below the post in one place exactly as they were given (instead of some on the left side and some on the right side).

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Hey @nukeador, do you think it would be possible to split the discussion about thumbs down to a separate thread, and keep this one about adding the thumbs-up as a reaction / making it the default +1 reaction? I’m don’t have a strong interest in the upvoting/downvoting discussion, but currently I cannot follow the discussion about the former without sifting through a lot of interspersed messages about the latter.

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I’ve been going through the replies and it’s quite complex to split them without breaking the whole conversation here, since people have been talking about both in some messages.

I would recommend to create a new topic with for the thumbs_down request with a summary of the positions expressed here, this would allow everyone to catch up on where everyone is at and continue the conversation there.

Thanks for taking the time to investigate the thread splitting possibility. Too bad that’s not a viable option.

I am not involved/invested enough with the thumbs down discussion to do justice to all the raised arguments in a summary, but hopefully someone else who is may start such a thread.

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