Contributions to 3D research project needed…


I am an M.Sc. researcher with the University of Nottingham and am currently conducting a research study regarding the potential for 3D building data collection by OSM users and the crowd.

I am particularly interested in people’s motivations for collecting 3D building information and potential barriers to data collection and editing. I am also interested in the potential for semantic enrichment (e.g. building materials etc.) of buildings via publicly available imagery (satellite and street view).

What can you do to help?

I have created a website to collect some data from the OSM community. I would really appreciate it if you could visit and complete the questionnaire and 3D building surveys.

Who is this research targeted at?

Anybody who is interested in OpenStreetMap and has either contributed 3D information or might like to contribute 3D information in the future. Knowledge of 3D surveying isn’t necessary.

**Am I anonymous? **

All forms you complete (and the resulting data) are completely anonymous and no IP addresses or personal information will be stored or processed.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I am passionate about sustainable crowd sourced solutions to data collection, and I really hope that with your help this research can support the future of 3D OSM!


Alfie, how many 3D buildings should be mapped? I,m with nr 12 and I ask myself how many should be done for finalizing this request.
10 would be max in my opinion. BTW.: Nr 11 seems to have different aerial view and facade. Or I´m wrong?

In total: very interesting request. Thanks for that!

Feel free to add your project at

Plz. be aware, that 3D folks is currently just an small special-interest-group within the OSM community. Thus your survey might not be fully representative and might need further investigations or interpretation.

I stopped at the 6st Building
because I could not see how far this will go

Same for me after 8. But I like the idea, even if I missed the opportunity to select “not relevant tag”, to skip tags explicitly. Personally I tag colour more often than material :wink:

Thanks everyone! There are 15 buildings in total to survey, but I didn’t expect many people would do all 15, I just thought I would include as many as possible because in general more data is better! Marek, I think 11 is correct, just from the street view it is difficult to judge the roof shape! New readers please keep submitting, the response so far has been good but lots more would be nice :slight_smile:


Ok Alfie, thank you fot the quickly response! Maybe you could add to your request information how many buildings are left?
Not everybody is reading this thread.

Best regards!

Done! Will you keep us posted on the survey results?

And by the way, have you considered also publishing this on some of the Mailing lists? You may reach some additional people that way.

To motivate for 3D tagging, an FOSS viewer, covering all Earth, embedded in would help.
Vector tiles on with the needed data, to render cliendside would help.