Consultation: HOT Open Tech and Innovation Working Group by 22nd of February

Hi everyone,

We would like to get your feedback on the Revised Terms of Reference: HOTOSM Tech And Innovation Working Group [revised- for consultation]


For reference, here is the old Terms of Reference: Humanitarian OSM Team/Working groups/Technical - OpenStreetMap Wiki [which is quite out of date and these meetings were not running for some time]. In 2021 an OSM Galaxy WG took place that ended in 2022. We want to revive the working group and have proposed a revised Terms of Reference. We also held two Open Tech and Innovation sessions (13 December 2022 and 7 February 2023) and received input from participants on topics they wanted to discuss and how they wanted to shape this space. Now, we’d like you all for additional input.

Guiding questions for consultation:

  1. Do you agree with the purpose and objectives? Is there anything missing?
  2. Do you have specific ideas for activities or sub-groups?
  3. Have we captured the right communication channels and meeting format? Do you have other suggestions?
  4. Anything missing that you’d like to add?

How to feedback:

  • Add comments directly to the Google document
  • Add comments in this thread
  • Reach out to me directly if any other questions

Please share any comments and feedback by Wednesday 22nd of February.

Process for consultation and next steps:

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Thanks @danbjoseph for your feedback in the document! Wondering if others from the community have any feedback they’d like to share! Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Thanks to everyone who engaged in the document and shared their feedback. It is much appreciated! I have now made some suggested changes, based on that feedback!

I will leave the consultation open until Monday 27th of February for any final input and will then share with the Board.