Connection of footway to building

Should a footway or path leading to a building, be connected or not connected to the building outline (common node for way and building)?

If so, does it matter if the common node is tagged with an entrance or not?

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If it connects to the building in the real world, connect it on the map. The common node should be tagged as an entrance (when there is one) or with noexit=yes if it ends at a building wall that has no entrance in it.

You can do this if u want but there is no “must”.

If so, does it matter if the common node is tagged with an entrance or not?

if I connect it I will also tag an entrance (but generally I will tag much more entrances than such short connections)

You can tag the entrance/exit on the building outline as close as possible to where it is with entrance=yes or entrance=main, connect the footway to that, and Italian style put the address on that entrance node too (we don’t put addresses on the buildings.)

Advantage of connecting to an entrance is, no whine from QA if close to another way, e.g. a driveway (15 meters or so).