Congratulations Openstreetmap Togo 🇹🇬 for winning the Togo Digital Award

Great news!! openstreetmap Togo :togo: brought home the award :1st_place_medal: from Togo Digital Awards!

A testament of how brilliant community power and openstreetmap is!

Congratulations franck and team!!! :heart_on_fire: :fire: :dizzy:

Let’s celebrate and spread this great news!!

Mastodon: arnalie (TS Rep Era): "Great news!! @openstreetmap Togo 🇹🇬 brought home…" - OSM Town | Mapstodon for OpenStreetMap


Congratulations to OpenStreetMap Togo for their outstanding achievement in winning the Togo Digital Awards!

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Congratulations Franck for this achievement.
Our journey in HOT DQI had been amazing and you are now shining.

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