Comanche County, Kansas address type in Nominatim

I noticed the Nominatim output for Comanche County, Kansas, shows addresstype=town when it should be addresstype=county.

The relation had two label nodes, one of which, Coldwater, should have been the admin_centre.

I updated that, plus added the Wikidata and Wikipedia information to the label node, Comanche, but Nominatim continues to show addresstype=town.

I believe all the tags are correct and they roughly mirror Colquitt County in Georgia:

Here’s Colquitt County’s Nominatim output for comparison.

The main difference I see is that Comanche County has extratags.linked_place=town whereas Colquitt County does not, as though that didn’t update when I made the updates to the relation and nodes, but that’s just a guess…

Changes of a relation member role don’t trigger updates in the relation in Nominatim. That’s a known issue. I’ve triggered a manual update now.


Thanks, Lonvia.

Is this something a user like myself could do?

If not, is the forum the proper place to request it be done or is there somewhere better to make the request?

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