Change of responsibility

Dear OSM Thailand,

I’d like to inform you that my colleague @08kiran95 , with the support of @SupanchatMetta , will be assuming responsibility for communication on behalf of TomTom. Please feel free to reach out to her for any assistance you may need. I appreciate the fantastic collaboration we’ve had over the past 1.5 years and look forward to continued success. While I’ll still be around, I wish you all the best.

Best regards,
Salim, TomTom


Hello Salim. Thanks for the update. We’ll reach out to @08kiran95 for future communication. We’ll miss our direct collaboration with you but wish you all the best in your new role.


thank you @julcnx , appreciate the kind words and good luck.

cc: @08kiran95

@julcnx, I am equally delighted to work together with OSM Thailand Community. I am in touch with Supannachat, but soon we too will have our talks together. :slight_smile:


Hi @julcnx, just letting you know that I have recently updated my profile with my First name and display picture.
The old name was- 08kiran95
The new name is- Kiran Ahire

You can call me Kiran.

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