Can you create a static version of the old site?

@rtnf How you getting on creating a static clone of ?

Please try ensure the functionality and URLs do not change as far as remotely possible.

Something looking and working very similarly to is the ultimate goal.

Note it is also possible to host web content directly under your user on the dev server. eg: serves the contents of /home/rtnf/public_html/ directory.

I noticed that both the user profile and tagging functionalities are disabled in the archived version of the Wireshark forum (reimplementing both features using static HTML is quite a challenging task, and they seem to be giving up altogether on this.).

The last problem in my implementation is likely to be the URL change, which could probably be fixed by using Apache’s mod_rewrite (for example, automatically redirecting “/questions/88266/osm-carto-multilingual-tags” to “/questions/88266”). Additionally, I need to (1) add a link to the homepage on each answer page, allowing users to navigate back, and (2) make visual improvements to the homepage.

I’ll try to do it soon & post some updates here.

Update 1 : Homepage

Update 2 : add a link to the homepage on each answer page (click the osm logo to go back)

Update 3 : All of the old URL can now be preserved (by automatically redirecting “/questions/88266/osm-carto-multilingual-tags” url format to “/questions/88266”) (this will be automatically redirected to

.htaccess ModRewrite config :

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /	
RewriteRule ^questions/([0-9]+)/[^/]+$ questions/$1 [R=301,L]

If we aren’t going to archive user pages is there going to be an email to all users that they have XXX days to go there and manually archive their contributions?

I had a go at this for mine before the original shutdown date and a really janky version of it kinda sorta works with httrack (would be way easier if the number of results per page was increased significantly).