Can was:amenity be used to tag some amenity=* POI that was reused for another amenity?

I mean, can I use was:amenity to tag a POI that has been used for another amenity currently, and was used for a different amenity before, for example, space former amenity took up is now leased to a new business? Is it OK, even if it’s against Key:was:amenity - OpenStreetMap Wiki definitions?

(deliberately not answering “is it OK” but) some people do, and some projects** do process that in some circumstances.

** both of those are mine :slight_smile:

In general life cycle prefixes are ok to use, but it might get tricky, if an object is changing from amenity=restaurant to amenity=fast_food to amenity=cafe to … In OSM you can describe the style of building and the usage. Like building=church and amenity=restaurant for a church used now as restaurant.

Depending on your usecase, OpenHistoryMap might be the better place to add this information.

I personally would have the POI information added to a node or a way representing the POI and have the building information tagged to the building way to keep it separate

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are there visible remains of previous POI? If yes then disused: prefix would work well.

I have been using the “old_name” tag, for businesses that recently changed as you suggested, but also for shops that have been vacant for a long time but still have signs with the old name on them.


I’m talking about no visual remains, complete takeover by new business, so I think of was:amenity

To clarify, Open History Map is a different project unrelated to OSM. OpenHistoricalMap would love to have this data though.


then mapping it is out of scope for OpenStreetMap (and “can be mapped from aerial by accident” does not really apply for POIs)

Sometimes I do use this rationale for POIs because of street-level imagery, which gets updated less frequently than aerial imagery.

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oh right, in such case it would make sense (though once street-level imagery usable by OSM is updated or clearly outdated it can and should be removed)