Can the user be removed from share links by default?

Iā€™ve just tried to share a link, and the shareable link Discource gave me was In the context that I wanted to use it, the fact that that link included my userid wasnā€™t a problem, but Iā€™d imagine that in most contexts it absolutely would.

Can the user be removed from share links by default?


It seems this is being discussed upstream:


It seems that a setting to switch this off will be available in the next Discourse version (2.9) :partying_face:

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This is already implemented in the beta version

Once 2.9 moves to stable we will be able to remove it.

Weā€™ve since rolled out the Discourse version which introduced the ability to disable this behavior at a site level. Seeing how this appears to be the consensus solution, Iā€™ve now disabled the ā€œallow username in share linksā€ setting in the admin panel. The username will therefore no longer be included in the URLs generated by the ā€œshareā€ button.