Can iD URLs contain parameters to make Bing Streetside available on load?

I am aware that URLs pointing to iD can have parameters to load iD in a certain way, ie to use a particular basemap. For example, to open South Africa CD:NGI Aerial, one can just click on:


I would like to create links which open iD with the Bing Streetside overlay turned on by default. This:

Are there URL parameters to achieve this?


One can do that on Example URL: iD.


This also works with iD on

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Nice. What I don’t get is why your URL seemingly redirects to I would expect &photo_overlay=streetside to be preserved in the URL, but it isn’t, so I’m missing some part of the picture.

On, the editor is loaded in an iframe. If you look at the iframe url, you will see all the parameters.

Thank you. Could you send a screenshot or more details on how to do that @Allison_P ?

The corresponding parameters (the part starting with #, called fragment identifier) are not sent to the server. The fragment identifier is read out via JavaScript (location.hash).