Campsites Balaton Zamárdi / Balaton

Hello hungarian community.

Anybody with actual knowledge about Zamárdi?

I visited 2 times former Kemping Autós, now Mirabella Kemping in Zamárdi ( If i remember correctly, nearby Mirabella (2 or 3 streets direction Zamárdi) there was a campsite “Diavolo” (?).

It looks like did a unfriendly takeover (in OSM) of Mirabella: Some 10 changes to Mirabella, which he renamed in OSM to “Diavolo and Yourney Kemping Zamárdi” and did other related changes.

I verified by email with, Mirabella still exist and is bookable. They donn’t know anything about the other campsite. On the website of Mirabella one can find a campsite plan, helpfull to identify the campsite.

Maybe someone from Hungary can verify if Mirabella is still Mirabella or it is now Diavolo?

Thanks, Frank

From eMail:

I just restored Mirabella Camping with changeset