Hi, @arnalielsewhere
Hope you are fine. I’d like kindly ask you two some important points to me:
- Candidacy document analysis
At the present moment, who analyzes the documents that are sent in an application to the local chapter?
In this report, you mention that the LCCWG does not analyze whether a document has been forged or not. Although there is a “document review” stage in the LCCWG process.
The OSMF Board states (by email sent to me) that it is the LCCWG that should evaluate.
So… who should I turn to when I find a forged document involved in an application?
This point is too relevant to ignore, especially if the LCCWG is trying to make the application process more flexible. Who certifies the legal situtation of an informal group or entity?
- Communication of the LCCWG meeting has failed in Community OSM
There was a meeting in October 30, 2024, but it was not noticed previously at the OSM Community. I know it was published in the OSM Cal, but why it was not published in this community forum? I would like to participate (and there was a Brazilian participating of this), but I lost this opportunity because it was noticed here.
It seems that some Brazilians knew about the meeting, but didn’t inform us in the OSM Brazil social groups.
Is there any way to publish the LCCWG meetings in the Community OSM too, please?
Thank you for your attention.