(Asa Hundert)
January 14, 2025, 10:57pm
Recently I noticed that in select area google maps show pedestrian crossings on highways. Some of the openstreetmap derived maps do that (e.g OSM France), but OSM Carto does not. Are they just waiting for a pull request ? And how about the sidewalks mapped as attributes, why are they not shown? AC-colours among others does it.
Any cartographers reading along willing to get going on such a first issue ?
(Andy Townsend)
January 14, 2025, 11:14pm
You’re not looking for a cartographer, you’re looking for a politician
You don’t want to “solve the technical problem of showing crossings”, you need to persuade some people that they need to do that.
January 15, 2025, 6:34am
This is the most directly relevant issue for crossings that I found with a quick look:
opened 04:58AM - 01 Nov 15 UTC
Pedestrian crossings are currently not visible at all. I think that should be fi… xed. In the transport map style at least the walkways go **over** the street, that makes a lot of sense. The french style also could be an inspiration. I attached some more examples from OSM renderings and proprietary map providers for comparison.

[Current carto](

[Naver Maps](

Daum Maps:

[French style](

[Transport layer](


Some more notes:
- I have not included [google maps](,128.6263297,18.5z) in the screen-shots because that is quite poor in South Korea
- You can also see another issue which lies as in the data, but also in the rendering of OSM: poor representation of subway stations, things that are very important to get around is to find the number of the exit. The name tag of railway:subway_entrance is not rendered in carto.
And for sidewalks (as you know, as you commented on it!):
opened 01:39PM - 11 Feb 17 UTC
As most sidewalks are unfortunately only tagged on highways and not as a separat… e way openstreetmap is very car-centric. Thus, I propose to find a solution to render sidewealks, which are only tagged on other highways.
Ideas to achieve this would be:
*Wider rendering with shaded borders
*Just add thick borders
Keys to be rendered would be:
~1Million uses