Bus stops in Norway [guide for understanding current data and reporting problems]

Excellent guide!

Could you add something about temporarily moved bus stops? E.g., how long-lasting does it need to be for someone to report it, or to add some temporary or lifecycle tag? Do you use such tags if they are present?

I know we are not supposed to map temporary features, but it depends if temporary means for a day, for a week, for a year or for ten years. So I propose to set some limits or advice…

Example: The western “Ugla” bus stop in Trondheim has been temporarily moved about 150m down the road, since the “Uglastien” path is in construction to become an official “Snarvei”.

Nobody has done any changes in OSM, but I guess that also means Entur is currently using incorrect data there. Should anything be done, or is it too short lasting to be of importance?

This is possibly a too short lasting temporary change, but users cannot determine that easily without setting some sort of limit (e.g., Temporary changes to bus stops should be reported to kollektivdata@entur.org if they are expected to last longer than XX days).

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Temporarily moved stops

Could you add something about temporarily moved bus stops? E.g., how long-lasting does it need to be for someone to report it, or to add some temporary or lifecycle tag? Do you use such tags if they are present?

The procedure is slightly diffuse because everything is a gray area. Like, “how far is too far, and is too far too far in every case”. Anyway, the practical rule of thumb is that:

  • Long term temporary stops that are far away (enough to warrant a new name): New stop is created at new location, old stop is usually disused.
  • Long term temporary stop nearby: The existing stop is moved to the new location and moved back when the situation is resolved.
  • Short term changes, long distances: Usually new stops are not created in the short term so either a different (already existing) stop is used, or the route just skips the stop.
  • Short term changes, short distance: Usually resolved by textual information in realtime deviation messages.

It should be noted here that NKA has recently modified the script so that only stops that have been out of use for 1 year are removed from OSM.

lifecycle tag

This would be difficult to implement in the source data. Stops come and go and its quite difficult for the counties to properly follow up on all stops - mostly because they dont always know if the stops will be used again later or not. The stops are versioned and the last version either has no end date, or it has an end date in the past or the future. Stops with an end date in the past are expired and should be considered “removed”.

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Case: Ugla, Trondheim

Example: The western “Ugla” bus stop in Trondheim has been temporarily moved about 150m down the road, since the “Uglastien” path is in construction to become an official “Snarvei”.

I called AtB and they will investigate. This is a part of the problem that they don’t have the full- or up-to-date information from the municipality at all times. If warranted they will move the stop. I have also asked them to evaluate a new name so that it isn’t identical to the tram stop.

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Her er det en jeg ikke forstår: Endret for 19 dager siden med kommentar:
https://maproulette.org/browse/challenges/28363 (Samme link: MapRoulette)
Node: ‪Hjalmar Brantings vei‬ (‪6373681364‬) | OpenStreetMap ref:nsrq=55816

Veien er nok bygget om her, så nå ligger busstoppet i en midtrabatt, men - også - ser ut som om bruker chris_debian | OpenStreetMap legger til public_transport=platform på mange stoppesteder i Bergen. Tok en rask sjekk, og han har gjort dette flere steder.

Ja det kan se ut som det er lagt inn en MapRoulette for å gjøre unødvendige “oppdateringer” av stoppene.

Har meldt stoppet til Skyss for oppgradering.

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Har ikke sett noe i som legger til public_transport=platform i MapRoulette, men det er en i StreetComplete. Helt unødvendig, og fører til at oppdateringer fra NSR stopper opp.

Some SSR cleanups of archaic names in Hitra

Where: (ref:nsrq 73067) Node: ‪Strøm‬ (‪7099991015‬) | OpenStreetMap
What: Wrong name “Strøm” → “Straum” (per SSR)

Where: (ref:nsrq 71282) Node: ‪Hernes kryss‬ (‪7099991359‬) | OpenStreetMap
What: Wrong name “Hernes kryss” → “Herneskrysset” (Place not in SSR, but has local usage predating the buss stop)

Where: (ref:nsrq 73480) Node: ‪Murvold‬ (‪7099991225‬) | OpenStreetMap
What: Wrong name “Murvold” → “Morvollan” (per SSR)

Where: (ref:nsrq 72367) Node: ‪Volden‬ (‪7099989881‬) | OpenStreetMap
What: Wrong name “Volden” → “Vollen” (per SSR)

Where (ref:nsrq 71149) Node: ‪Helgbostad‬ (‪7099991357‬) | OpenStreetMap
What: Another SSR writing cleanup “Helgbostad” → “Helgbustad”. But the buss doesn’t actually go the ~5km side road to Helbustad, and places like Håvika is actually closer (which would be a terrible name choice, since all traffic here is to Helgbustad). The junction where the buss stops is known in the area as (unsurprisingly) “Helgbustadkrysset”.
So I would actually recommend “Helgbostad” → “Helgbustadkrysset”.

Where (ref:nsrq 73830) Node: ‪Smågesjø‬ (‪7099991064‬) | OpenStreetMap
What: Stop has name of a different location (and in either case is not spelled correctly per SSR). The farm marked is “Småge”, “Smågasjøen” would be the farm further out by Dolmsundet. The bus stops on request both places, but the incorrect name in the data makes this difficult if not both the driver and the passenger are aware of this exact error.

Excellent report. All are duly noted and reported to AtB for processing. These are quite straight forward and the changes are in line with the regulation, so it should just be a formality. Thank you for reporting.

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And some for Frøya

Where: (ref:nsrq 71761) Node: ‪Hullet‬ (‪7099989561‬) | OpenStreetMap
What: Wrong name “Hullet” → “Holet” (per SSR)

Where: (ref:nsrq 72337) Node: ‪Skjellvik‬ (‪7099989564‬) | OpenStreetMap
What: Wrong name “Skjellvik” → “Skjelvik”. SSR has “Skjelvika” here, which would also be correct, but for “-vik” the default definite language form isn’t as strict as in many other cases. All other stops (“Ervik”, “Dyrvik” etc.) avoid the definite form here, which is acceptable to locals. There are additional subtle factors at play, but I would recommend “Skjelvik” here to stay consistent. Just get rid of the extra “l”.

Where: (ref:nsrq 73084) Node: ‪Kværnø‬ (‪7099989686‬) | OpenStreetMap
What: Wrong name “Kværnø” → “Kvernøy”. Per SSR. Same thing above, where the definite form is the default but the indefinite form isn’t wrong either. “Kværnø” is archaic though.

Some iffy ones:

Node: ‪Stranden‬ (‪7099991070‬) | OpenStreetMap (should likely by “Stranda” like the place, down the side road, but I do not have local knowledge to back it up). Node: ‪Sætra‬ (‪7099989525‬) | OpenStreetMap (geographical weirdness caused by the road network being completely different from how the houses are distributed, but there is probably no better name to give it). Node: ‪Ohraheia‬ (‪7099990704‬) | OpenStreetMap (odd choice of spelling, I would check if this was a request from a local knowing the area better than me, otherwise the SSR spelling “Urdaheia” should be used). Node: ‪Frøya kulturhus‬ (‪7099990783‬) | OpenStreetMap (A bit unfortunate how far away it is from the location it is named after, but the street layouts make it necessary. I guess the current way of marking the data is the best that can be done)

This node should also be checked upstream (ref:nsrq 74507) Node: ‪Dalpro‬ (‪7099990350‬) | OpenStreetMap

I think it isn’t routed properly in the eastward direction towards Fillan, causing passengers to occasionally get stranded here when the bus doesn’t pic them up.

Not sure what you mean here.

It will not be displayed as a stop to bus drivers when going in that direction, which I assume is something that’s using the same data set.

SSR and reality dont always match :smiley: Google Maps

That’s a different “Volden”, please use OSM link I provided.

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User DoubleA is quite active in deleting the tag highway=bus_stop. It is messing up the regular bus stop updates, creating hundreds of duplicates. After I spent a few hours fixing it today, DoubleA deleted highway=bus_stop again. He is not responding to changeset comments so far. I think next step is to report the matter to DWG, if the user keeps deleting the tag.

Example: Changeset: 140328270 | OpenStreetMap

Var en note i området om ikke-eksisterende buss-stopp, og det er riktig. Ingen skilt eller noen form buss-stopp der nå. Er parkeringsplasser.

Ruter bruker den for noe som ser ut å være “buss for trikk på natta” Entur – nasjonal reiseplanlegger

Overnattet nettopp på Thon Hotel Oslo Airport og oppdaget at busstopp 9743 var plassert langt unna veien - nesten inne på hotellets parkeringsplass. Ble litt i tvil om Entur sin foreslått rutebuss faktisk gikk … Jeg flyttet noden nærmere veien, men når jeg leser denne tråden så bør den kanskje enda litt nærmere.

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Ja den lå feil. Har fikset i NSR og OSM nå.

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Ah, takk!

Jeg kan kanskje tagge den med shelter=no og pole=no for å markere at den er “usynlig”?


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