Kindly give me a tip to select once uploaded highway to create a bus route in that same area.The high way was uploaded by some other mapper.When i try to select the road to create a bus route it is not getting selected.Kindly advice. Am just a beginner focusing bus route mapping .Please share me the information and tips on bus route mapping.
Thank you
Bus routes are described by so called “relation” in OSM.
I strongly recommend using JOSM for editing public transport relations.
In brief: create a new “relation”
- add as tags:
name=Bus xxx: A => B
- where xxx is the number, A is the name of first stop and B is the name of the last stop
- add as members of the relation
- the bus stops where the passengers can enter and leave
- the ways the bus uses
For a description of the version 2 of the public transport scheme (PTv2), see the OSM wiki.
I’m the author of PTNA a quality tool for public transport data on OSM.
A very intuitive tool for editing BUS relations is https://relatify.monicz.dev . This application needs an existing relation to start working, so the beginning of the relation should be done in another program and its tagging has already been described above.
I forgot to mention that this tag needs to be added as well
Is there a good tool anywhere for converting PTv1 relations to PTv2, so that Relatify can work on it?
(I’m aware that the route needs ordering neatly, and may require splitting into variants - this might be too hard for a tool to do usefully)
Mmh, I don’ t know.
You could copy the relation for each route variant, add public_transport:version=2
to each, create a route_master, add the routes as members and try Relatify?
With tons of variants, this can become tedious with any tool.
Thanks for early reply.
A related query
Is it required to map existing road as way to make the road in route relation.
Kindly advise public bus route mapping,creating relations,route master creation etc
Thanking you
If the raod exists as OSM way, simply add it to the route relation.
If the road does not yet exist as OSM way, the normal procedure of mapping a road applies first, then add tah new OSM way to the route relation.
OsmAnd has a good and short intro for that based on usage of JOSM.