Bulk edit proposal: water and sewage treatment works

A lot of water and sewage treatment works in GB have the abbreviations “WTW”, “WwTW”, or “STW” in their names, as you can see on the new and improved OpenInfraMap water layer.

I think these may have been imported from some DEFRA open data at some point. Abbreviations in names are bad.

I’m planning to do a simple mechanical edit to correct the following:

  • WTW → Water Treatment Works
  • WwTW → Wastewater Treatment Works
  • STW → Sewage Treatment Works

These will be restricted to the appropriate man_made=water_works or man_made=wastewater_plant objects. In some cases these abbreviations are in brackets or have a slash (such as “Grosmont/STW”) and I will also strip these.

Unless there are any objections I’ll aim to do this edit next week.

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My first question would be “is ‘Water Treatment Works’ etc. actually part of the name”?

The signboards on the ones I’ve seen seem to vary, but quite often the name doesn’t include WTW etc.

Regardless of whether this change is a good idea or not, in Thames Water’s book of abreviations at least, an “SPS” is a “Sewage Pumping Station”. Example:

Node: ‪Marston Road Elsfield SPS‬ (‪11872773689‬) | OpenStreetMap :poop:

which is a


Maybe those should be checked too? They are medium sized anonymous roadside cabinets with slightly opaque acronyms and refs, or at least that one is.

On whether this proposal’s a good idea or not, you might gather a few docs like their Glossary of terms and acronyms used in our reporting - Thames Water PDF and compare terms before doing this. Best verify that every H2Oco uses the same abbreviations first :slight_smile:

Here’s my answer to this from the last time this was discussed, and a follow-up.


Actually a higher priority reason to not rename these right now is that I suspect that a number have been misnamed due to an off-by-one error. Grosmont appears to be an example (surely that should be called “Gunnerside” - just down the alphabet a little).

This not the first time that that particular name adder hasn’t had brain engaged when adding these names. I’ve commented on the Grosmont changeset, but suspect that if any others have been added recently by the same person from the same source they will be wrong too.

The last lot of errors were all fixed by people on talk-gb back in Feb 2023 or so.

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Oof, maybe I will regret opening this can of worms. Let me see if I can find a way of verifying these then…