Bitte die BURTON STONE LANE putzen

I’ve hidden it. Please report any others.

@SomeoneElse Should notes that do not quote insults but still refer to you by name also be reported, or are these still acceptable?

Seems someone had a problem with Andy Townsend.

Roadspam, Andy Townsend, several roads.

I don’t know Andy Townsend and can’t judge whether the accusations are true, but there is no street with that name here.

Yes, please report all of those.

Die letzten Tage hat irgendwer einige Straßen von sonst woher quer nach und mitten durch Aachen geschoben.

Die Putztruppe im OSM-Hintergrund hat anscheinend schnell reagiert und den Quatsch weg gerammt … :+1:

Danke für | Peer