tldr; it’s hard, but I think about it and gradually delve into the website code.
The site is written in Ruby + JavaScript, I don’t know Ruby, and some features should be implemented on the server side.
Slow development speed. I don’t fully understand the structure of openstreetmap-website, but in my current environment (macOS + Docker) I have to wait for the JavaSctipt bundle to be built and the container to restart. To change the userscript, I just need to reload the tab in the browser.
A very long discussion about PR. I’m too lazy to convince current maintainers of the changes I would like to see. You will not get links to external sites add link to open view in OSMCha, from changesets history pge · Issue #2629 · openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website · GitHub, you will not get vector tiles until they are perfect Add OpenMapTiles vector map by zdila · Pull Request #4042 · openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website · GitHub but at the same time, map dimming was easily turned on, which affected all users of the site ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . How long do you think we’ll be discussing expert toggle? (: What should the visualization of changesets look like? (It’s worth writing an article, this is an interesting and complex question)
A way to show PoC. It’s one thing to start an issue and convince people that things will get better, and another to show a working prototype. is already inspired Tags diff mode · Issue #16 · openstreetmap-ng/openstreetmap-ng · GitHub ( in general, one big prototype of what it could be
I have two Pull Requests into the website that I hope to complete and open up interesting opportunities. Let’s see if I can handle hours of code reading and debugging