What is the best (most userfriendly) website that use OpenStreetMap data to find the route from adress A to adress B?
Can you embed the website in an other webpage?
For example to use on an contact page for an website.
What is the best (most userfriendly) website that use OpenStreetMap data to find the route from adress A to adress B?
Can you embed the website in an other webpage?
For example to use on an contact page for an website.
Hi BrechtD,
to receive a better answer I suggest you add the mode of transport you have in mind. This my change the answers.
You may also add, if you expect certain features you consider user friendly.
There is a list of routing software in the wiki: Routing - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Which of these is āuser-friendlyā depends on your usecase and what you or the users are expecting.
Type of transport (car and public transport)
User Friendly features: Intelligent Autocomplete to fill in adres
chose type of transport (car, public transport)
Each route discovery service has its own features, strengths, and weaknesses,
OSMās built-in route discovery is great.
GraphHopper Maps is probably going to be your easiest out-of-the-box solution for this, though Iām not sure what their embedding restrictions are. /cc @karussell
Bear in mind though that OSM doesnāt contain public transport timetable information, so any router solely based on OSM data will not be able to provide accurate public transport directions.
Thx GraphHopper Maps | Route Planner looks great.
But itās a pity that there is no possibility to show public traffic with the timetables
@adreamy but you canāt see public transport routing an time tablesā¦
Lots of OSM data consumers use publicly available Public Transport data, including timetables, released in GTFS. Since most of this (in Europe at least) is released with partially incompatible CC-BY licences, there is some difficulty in integrating this into OSM directly. Applications with fewer restrictions in licencing can more easily leverage this data, and often do. Organic Maps is currently experimenting with such support on the more open end, Bing and Apple already fully support it on the more closed off end.
Public transport is possible with GraphHopper, but youād need to host the routing service on your own: GitHub - graphhopper/graphhopper: Open source routing engine for OpenStreetMap. Use it as Java library or standalone web server.