Automated edit to change unnamed key to noname

This is my first automated edit so I chose a small one.
I’m not sure if I should make 1 changeset for this or 1080.
I could use JOSM+Overpass but I’d like to use a Python library so I can learn.


Hi, welcome to OSM! Thanks for your interest.

Have you read Automated Edits code of conduct - OpenStreetMap Wiki? That’s a good start for such edits.

The edit page lacks a rationale as to why you want to make the edit. It can be as short as unnamed is deprecated, so let's remove it, but it should reflect your reasons for the edit.
Secondly, it could be useful to get into a bit more detail why you think an automated edit is more appropriate than e.g. a MapRoulette quest.
In general, assume that people will only read your edit page, it’s both a matter of courtesy and likely true for many people. You are doing great with links.

As for your question:

Quoting from the above mentioned wiki article:

Plan your changesets sensibly. If your bot creates one changeset for each edit, that becomes extremely hard to read for people. Such a practice would also be considered gaming the system if done by a human, since it gives the impression of more map changes than were actually made. If your bot creates one changeset for a bunch of changes covering the whole planet, that, too, becomes hard to read, and pollutes the history in places nowhere near the changes. Changes grouped into small regions are easiest to digest for human mappers (e.g. “fixed highway tags in Orange County”).

Based on unnamed | Keys | OpenStreetMap Taginfo, it seems there are about 10 clusters of this tag (you can probably figure that out better than looking at a map).

Added reason for automated edit, and a changeset plan. I think my edit wiki page is compliant now.

I’ve never used MapRoulette. I will look into that. Doesn’t that require human work for each object?

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It does require humans, as do the other potential alternatives in the wiki article. The point being making sure you know about those possibilities and to have sound reasoning as to why human intervention isn’t needed.
It might not be necessary in this case, but I think it is useful practice, which I believe this edit is at least in part inspired to be.


I would say that making a bit easier to process OSM data is worth making this edits (and yes, it will cause objects to be edited)

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