Australia: Intersecting MapRoulette Challenges

Hello OpenStreetMap Australia,

Today I wanted to share two “2” exciting MapRoulette challenge with you:

  • Australia - Fix Building and Highway Intersections: We conducted spatial analysis and discovered instances where a highway and building feature intersects. The objective of this challenge is to identify and rectify the building and/or Highway using reliable sources to ensure accurate map and data representation

  • Australia - Fix Inconsistent Highway Intersections: We used a modified version of Osmose check 1250 – objects intersection, with certain situations, such as pedestrian paths, removed from the scope. The objective is to identify and fix cases where highways intersect without a common node.

As with any spatial analysis, there might be some false positives. In such cases, we kindly request you to mark the task as ‘Not an issue’ if you find that the task instructions are invalid based on your knowledge.

If you have any inquiries, remarks, or questions, please feel free to reply to this post/mail or send me a direct message. For more information, you can refer to the Australia GitHub or MapRoulette challenge page.

Wishing you a wonderful day and happy editing!
