Are there any websites to which .OSM files can be uploaded?

I’ve downloaded some data from OSM in the native *.OSM format and filtered it using XPath/XSL.

I’m looking for a website (not JOSM - too long to load), similar in the functionality of Overpass Turbo, to upload & render/display my modified data. I would like to pass that file as a parameter to the site’s URL.

Is there such a site?

To my knowledge, there is no such web service. It should however not be
too difficult to build one, utilizing
osmtogeojson to convert the OSM XML to GeoJSON
and then make that visible using Leaflet or MapLibre.

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That was the step I was hoping to bypass.

I find it strange, since the OSM database is XML, how few (no?) resources utilize it directly. Leaflet can only deal with Geojson, Overpass uses a scripting language more restrictive than XPath and I’m still uncertain how Osmium works, achieving my goal through trial / error / pure luck.

What is your goal though? You have modified or created an OSM XML file
with some software that you have written yourself (because you say JOSM
is too slow) and now you want to visualize it - is that it? Do you
require some form of styling or would a simple wire mesh view be ok?