Anonymous likes

Seen a few times and on hover this shows


We know about sock-puppets, and for almost as long have observed likes that appear quasi the moment a post is sent into an existing thread. While reading a thread you can actually see that X Y or Z is typing a comment, and then it appears with a like already on it. So was thinking there’s like-puppets around too, a 5 minute post to read and the like showing up in seconds… Read somewhere that if you take on a role on these forums ‘you get a lot more likes’, as if taking on the role is done for these. Well, maybe there are.

At any rate, ‘deleted user’ with voting rights it seems.

Rumour central.

I am reading lots of topics and also sometimes check the likes but I have never come across anything like this so far.

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Now you have--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/\

If by that you mean that the post you’re replying to also has an anonymous like, then it must be something on your side


Very strange given I’ve got only one blocked user and it’s not Xvtn. Switched browser, cleaned cookies/cache, signed in, same thing.

Well, since visiting on me mobile and seeing the same thing on all likes, it must be something in the profile, but no idea what that could be.


Have you tried checking from different wi-fi/cellular data? It’s possible that your internet connection have issues that causes some websites to not load properly.

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The home machine is on fixed lineand when checking mobile I was on data many towers away i.e. 2 different IP’s and providers.

It’s not some plugin forcing a “dark mode” is it?

“Dark mode” as in browsers being in a dark theme speak, black background, white txt ,yes, or plugins that hide me being there… but for Adblock plus and NoScript which actually show what is being obstructed. Trust granted for OSM Discourse is only one line and has not changed since longer.


What’s obscure too is, the mobile runs Vivaldi and the desktop runs Firefox. 2 different engines, one chrome, the other mozilla, Both at the same time showing this abberation… beyond me.

Today Andy T made a post with the words ‘spectacularly unclear’ in it, for the record, a few days ago discovering that if likes were included different than the thumbs up, the ‘likers’ can be seen by me by hovering the thumb at left

but, on the right bottom side of the post the likes other than myself are still showing as deleted user.

Tried all and everything in the settings, profile, preferences, even when using VPN, on mobile on an IP address momentarily in India… nothing changes, the likers stay ‘deleted user’.

Suppose this needs promotion to an undocumented feature.

That shouldn’t be the case, because in the previous posts we figured that it’s an issue specifically to SekeRob, as everyone else (in this thread) can see those specific likes normally, and they are from normal active accounts. So, either it’s something in Seke’s settings or a weird bug that occurs only to him.

Moderator edit: The post this is a response to has since been deleted, it was fake activity by a spammer who later started inserting promotional links.


Something happened… the avatar circle is filled and on hover a user name appears. Checked on mobile, on mobile data, same restoration of feedback. :ok_hand:

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This is the miracle world of Discourse … :innocent:


The plot thickens… visited one of the country categories, can see the likes. Back to the General talk, can’t see who gives the likes when only in thumbs form, back to the country cat, still can see them there.

Edit: Problem applies at least to General talk and This Site Feedback.

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What happens if you create a separate OSM account and login with that here in an incognito browser?

The gory details, as I have a second account with null posts here, just used for repair work: Opened a private window which has no memory and the only way to log in with that account since in the regular browser never get the option to choose which account to log in… always auto-logged in as SekeRob.
With the PB logged in with repair. Can’t even see who liked,There’s no … (ellipses) right bottom of posts with which one can expand the view showing the individual likes at bottom. Can only do likes which on try immediately garnered the ‘first’ like’ batch, even though I reversed the like i.e. granted zero likes effectively. (LoL)

The jaw drops… the ellipses appeared after given that thumbs up and the likes can be seen in detail in the General and This Site Feedback.

Someone said something about discourse… never liked it, and it smelled my feelings towards ‘it’. Going to call Stephen King.

Call me skeptic, could not find it, is there/are there community reset buttons, to restore default account state as were I a brand new member not have changed anything at preferences, profiles etc? Asking because these few forums where this issue of showing likers as deleted users persists. When I launch a private window in any browser and sign in with my ‘repair’ account I can see the issuer names of the thumbs up. And it’s on all my devices i.e. it’s in the OSM community personal settings somewhere.


Think to have figured it out… Something about {useless} like notifications being disabled i.e. set to never. One would expect it would not affect the view when not logged in, but then when not logged in you’re not allowed to see who liked a comment so cannot test under you know who.

Incessant this software is too. Log in on an android and be asked if wanting to install the discourse app. Say no, while logged in and next time when logging in on the android get the same question asked again, and again, and again, ad nauseam.

When not logged in get this comment about ‘you seem to like the topic, why dont you create an account?’. Dismiss and next time reading not logged in get the same question asked again, and again, and again, ad nauseam.

Site feedback.


I’m sorry but wat…

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