Announcing semi-automated import of Rustpunt rest areas

The Dutch community will import ca 600 special rest areas for cyclists and hikers. Rustpunt is the official name (brand) for these areas. The operator provides the dataset. The method used involves a comparison of OSM and the dataset, resulting in 3 lists:

  1. Removals
  2. Matches
  3. Additions
    List 3 contains the Rustpunt nodes not found in OSM, with the tags derived from the dataset and the fixed tags conform community consensus. All nodes will be checked before import, and scheduled for resurvey after import.
    The full spec is here: Import Rustpunt rest areas for hiking and cycling - OpenStreetMap Wiki
    It’s a local Dutch project, and we follow the guidelines for imports. But the concept of a comparison yielding lists for removals / updates / additions is kind of universal. After initial import the exact same method supports the maintenance of this selection of objects using follow-up datasets.