We (Telenav map team) are holding an OpenStreetCam image capture competition. In case you’re not familiar, OpenStreetCam is an open source / open data street level imagery collection platform for OSM. It is widely used to help improve OSM (through iD and JOSM) but there is not a lot of coverage in New Zealand yet. So with this competition we’re hoping to start to change that.
I’m having this issue though - when there are multiple recorded tracks to upload, the upload stops after uploading one and just hangs there showing ridiculously low upload speed. Tapping pause doesn’t do anything. Have to stop the whole thing and start again.
I think that is because it goes into “processing” mode on the server?
@ivss_xx is that a recurring problem? I think I have experienced this once or twice, but not as a structural issue myself. If it is for you though let me know and we can dig in to the issue. What make / model phone do you use to capture? Do you have it set to upload on cellular or not?
We have the results for the most prolific OpenStreetCam contributors for New Zealand for the period Dec 1 - Dec 24:
#1 —> ivss-xx with 60197 points #2 —> david-blyth with 25222 points
Congratulations to you both, you have just won yourselves a $25 gift card! Please get in touch with me so I can arrange (virtual) delivery.
It’s not over yet though. This was just the holiday mid point of the competition. At the end of January there will be three more prizes ($100 / $25 / $25) for the overall top contributors for the months of December and January.
If you haven’t started capturing yet, no worries. New, not yet covered roads get you 10x points. That adds up pretty quickly. For example, this 26km trip is worth more than 10000 points: https://openstreetcam.org/details/1316425/0/track-info
I think it doesn’t come up when there are only one or two tracks to upload. But when there are several to upload at one point, it has happened to me multiple times.
I use Xiaomi Mi A1 on Android 8.10. And, no I’m not set to upload on cellular, that would be a big phone bill I only upload when I’m back home on WiFi, hence sometimes the tracks stack up.
I think they all do end up uploaded in the end, it’s just a bit of annoyance - I had to stop the process after the uploading had stalled after every track and then start uploading again manually.
Another issue that’s also just an annoyance, a minor one - quite often when opening the app when I want to start recording the app just freezes on a black screen. I have to force close it and then straight after that it opens like a charm. I suspect it might have something to do with a background process that has stopped responding? Anyway, not sure if that is the Android doing that or if it’s something in the app.
P.S. Have sent you an email through this forum in regards to the gift card.
I am not sure if user david-blyth is reading on this list – if you are, please get in touch to get your gift card.
For all others, the competition is still ongoing and you have until Jan 31 to make your way into the top 3 contributors over the months of December 2018 and January 2019 and win a $25 or $100 gift card.
Some stats so far: we started at 17 955 images in New Zealand on Dec 1, now we are at 227 644 covering 5430 km of which 3140 unique.