Alpinist routes marked as footpaths

@Superfebs If you use Locus and Andrompas, also use Elevate: Elevate - Hiking, Cycling, Sightseeing - openandromaps

that shows sac_hiking and trail_visibility.

I have never been there, but judging from the pictures, left side is almost for sure not alpine_hiking as you do not need hands to advance. The particular stretch you show actually looks more like mountain_hiking, but maybe the path has more exposed parts, not sure. Also the jump from hiking to demanding mountain hiking lower in the valley indicates there might be at least a portion that is mountain_hiking. I think it makes sense to only map difficult stretches of path with higher difficulty and the easier ones with lower difficulty, but I am not sure there is a consensus on that.

The right side on the picture still does not look like hands are necessary (so it would be demanding mountain_hiking) but I totally believe you there are stretches that are harder and require hands and probably is at least alpine_hiking. Since the trail is invisible though, ti is a question if you did not get lost a bit/if the track is just simply misplaced a bit. At the end on the opposite side down in tha valley, the map says there is a guidepost ( Node: 11218007312 | OpenStreetMap ) for this trail. That clearly indicates it should be in OSM, I think.

Strava is useful for proving a trail exists in reality. I think for a trail to be in OSM when there is nothing physical indicating it, it needs to exist as a shared mental fact, so there needs to be a not insignificant (=they should not all know each other) group of people who know of a trail there and use it or have used it. But with the guidepost here, it is quite clearly the case.