Administrative level of Hrodna (130921)

добры дзень!

I noticed that the element in the title(Hrodna (130921)) has administrative level 6 and it is a subelement of Hrodna District (59273) which is also having admin level 6.
Having in mind Hrodna is a subarea of Hrodna District shouldn’t Hrodna have a lower admin level? Because if both have the same admin level then they are equally important, which I don’t really know if it’s the case.

Thank you for all the help!

Hi, this is not correct, Hrodna as city of regional subordination and Hrodna District are part of Hrodna Region so they have same admin_level, eg. Hrodna isn’t part of Hrodna District, you can find more details on wiki page

Hi, thank you for the reply.
If it is wrong I believe a fix is necessary because what I said is what is on OSM:

I can fix it tomorrow, I believe it’s just changing
“Part of Hrodna District” to “Part of Hrodna Region”.

Sorry for my explanation, looks some misunderstanding there, current mapping is correct:

  • Hrodna is part of Hrodna Region as city of regional subordination so it should have admin_level=6
  • Hrodna District is part of Hrodna Region so it should have admin_level=6

This case explained there for cities of republican, regional, district subordination:

There are more examples for cities with admin_level=6: Hrodna, Viciebsk, Mahilioŭ, Homel, Brest, Baranavičy, Babrujsk, Navapolack, Pinks, Žodzina - all them cities of of regional subordination and have admin_level=6

There’s no problem at all, maybe it was my image that created some confusion, so I’m sorry about that.

I’ve fixed the issue, and I’ve commented on the changeset:

Basically Hrodna had the wrong “parent”, it should have been Hrodna Region but it was Hrodna District.
Both are admin level 6, so that is correct, but “City part of District” was the incorrect part.

Thank you for the links and for the examples of more cities like Hrodna. That will be useful.