Adding missing villages


We use Openstreetmap for tracking our GPS vehicles. We see a lot of missing data compared to commercial maps.

I downloaded cloudmade open maps and would like to upload at least the location data (Points) for India (only some parts that we use), so that the map looks richer.

I tried uploading two villages (two points) by converting my CSV to GPX using GPSBabel, but got an email saying “Found no good GPX points in the input data”.

Please let me know how I can overcome this problem and how I can upload bulk data (points).


Try to load your CSV data after converting it to GPX in the more powerful editor JOSM, and that in an extra layer different to the original OSM data that you can also download from the OSM server.

Thus you can see whether any object from an own data collection is already in the OSM data and which is missing.

If you “only” have two points for villages or POIs you can also create a new object (called “node” in OSM world) by entering its coordinates in a special menu that JOSM offers.

If you need general help in using JOSM, please consult also the OSM wiki.