Hi everyone,
(I’m including a Slovenian translation of this message below, created using DeepL.)
My team at TomTom created two MapRoulette challenges to help us improve the road network in Slovenia:
Add Highways: this challenge allows users to add potentially missing highways that were identified in TomTom’s data and are not yet in OSM. We verified the existence of these ways on the available imagery sources. (Still, if a way shouldn’t be added to the map, the task at hand can be marked as “Not an issue”.) The challenge currently contains 102 tasks.
Fix Building and Highway Intersections: each task in this challenge shows a situation in which a building intersects with a highway and a correction might be needed (to the highway, building or their tags). Currently there’s 500 tasks.
Our editing team may work on these challenges in a couple of weeks or so. The tasks are also open to other members of the community.
If you have any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to let me know.
Have a nice weekend,
Pozdravljeni vsi,
moja ekipa v podjetju TomTom je pripravila dva izziva MapRoulette, da bi nam pomagala izboljšati cestno omrežje v Sloveniji:
Add Highways: ta izziv omogoča uporabnikom, da dodajo morebitne manjkajoče avtoceste, ki so bile identificirane v TomTomovih podatkih in še niso v OSM. Obstoj teh cest smo preverili na razpoložljivih slikovnih virih. (Kljub temu, če poti ne bi smeli dodati na zemljevid, lahko zadevno nalogo označimo kot “Ni problem”). Izziv trenutno vsebuje 102 nalogi.
Fix Building and Highway Intersections: vsaka naloga v tem izzivu prikazuje situacijo, v kateri se stavba križa z avtocesto in je morda potreben popravek (na avtocesti, stavbi ali njunih oznakah). Trenutno je v tem izzivu 500 nalog.
Naša ekipa za urejanje se bo s temi izzivi morda ukvarjala v približno nekaj tednih. Naloge so na voljo tudi drugim članom skupnosti.
Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja ali pripombe, mi jih brez oklevanja sporočite.
Prijeten konec tedna,