add layer / ajouter un calque


I’m working in a GIS project in my university and we are looking for a tool like OpenStreetMap in wich we could add data belonging to our project. It’ll look like personalized tags.
I’d like to know if is it possible to add this datas in OpenStreetMap in a different layer so people who is interessed could enable them? the aim is to access to these datas through the open street map web page.
Another option could be to use JOSM to do such a thing in a standalone computer

If not possible, could anyone tell me a way to get this ?
thank you


je travaille sur un projet de SIG avec mon université et nous cherchons un outils du genre de OpenstreetMap dans lequel nous pourrions ajouter des données appartenant à notre projet, ça serait comme des tags personnalisés.
J’aimerais savoir s’il est possible d’ajouter ces données dans OSM dans un calque différent afin que les gens intéressés puissent les faire apparaitre ? l’objectif est d’accéder à ces données à travers la page web d’open street map.
Une autre option pourrait être d’utiliser JOSM pour faire cela en local.

Si ce n’est pas possible quelqu’un peut-il me donner des pistes pour réaliser cela ?



OpenStreetMap does not currently support “layers” in the database. Therefore, there are two options:

  1. you can add data to the main OSM database. A requirement for this is, of course, that your data is of interest to people outside your project, otherwise some people here at OSM won’t be happy about it. You also need to be aware that there is no way to protect data from being copied, modified or deleted once it has been added to OSM.
  2. you can use OSM tools (editors, renderers etc.), but create a separate database for your project data on your own hardware. (You could import OSM data into it if you need to do so.) I’m not sure how much effort it would be to set this up – that will also depend on what requirements you have, how much data it is, how often updates take place --, but it’s probably possible.

ok, so option #1 won’t be possible cause data have no interest outside our project

I’m going to look for #2 availability

thank’s a lot