Add all community forums to the community index?

It doesn’t seem like all communities are aware that they need to submit PRs to have their community forums show up as a place to visit after each edit in iD.

Frequently the index advertises old and outdated mailing lists like we’re in the 90’s :slight_smile:

This makes it quite hard for people to be onboarded into the community

I think it’s time to just update them, it’s been two years since the new forums opened? Agree? I can probably submit a PR.
Decision to not do it in 2022

edit: We could even try to rank things after activity, e.g., I have no idea why Africa has a Eventbrite page as the top, while the active Matrix group is near the bottom :slight_smile:

And possibly put the community forums at the top, that I now see @Tordanik suggested back in 2022


For what it’s worth, the decision was apparently made here on the forums, but either the topic no longer exists (because it was during the test period) or I don’t have access to it. From the sound of it, osm-community-index just didn’t want to surprise the subcategory moderators with more traffic than they could handle right away. Now that the community has settled into Discourse, it feels like the right time to add the rest of the subcategories, and new ones as they get created.


For the Greek community, I was aware of the need to do the PR request (or open an issue) for the community index during the main merge period, but forgot to do it.

I also would like to change the links a bit there, since the original links of the community index are many years old when there were different needs and activity. For example for the Greek community, now I would remove the mailing-list link and add a wiki link for Greece, besides having the discourse link at top of course.


Seriously asking, what’s PR?

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A pull request: Distributed version control - Wikipedia
A user suggests a change to a software project, and the maintainer(s) habe to approve that change.


That would be welcome. :slight_smile:

For new category requests, we’ve started encouraging the category moderators to add the category to the community index once the category has been set up. But that wasn’t the case for older categories imported from the old forum, and of course not everyone is familiar with GitHub and how to create a pull request. So if you’re willing to fill in all the missing categories, it would be very helpful and improve discoverability of this platform.


Great! I’ll start going through it now from A to Z. In case someone wants to help, do it from Z to A :slight_smile:


You can see the progress here:

In some instances I’m also submitting PRs for obviously outdated/never looked at prioritiziations. E.g., Facebook got a default order priority of 3, which no longer makes sense if the last post was in 2023 :slight_smile: (just discovered, so maybe need to restart from A to check again)


That’s some great work already. Thank you and congratulations on your “promotion”. :slight_smile:


And I’m done!

16 new community forums added to the list, incl. Africa – so quite a few countries :slight_smile:

At the end I also removed some stale sources, e.g., Twitter account not updated since 2014… I’m sure there is a lot of other pruning that could be done


Thanks @eisa01 for being bold, rolling up your sleeves, and making this community work!