This is the Hungarian community category, where you can find Hungarian language conversations on the one hand, and Hungary related questions on the other. The language of the forum is basically Hungarian, but it will also accommodate topics related to mapping in Hungary in any language.
Some useful information
About the forum
All the general guidelines apply.
About the community
- The old Hungarian forums can be found at users: Hungary migration, but they are no longer available for posting.
- We’d like to start a future Hungarian category in this thread, or have started one if it has since been done.
- Beyond the forum, you can read the data at Hungarian website.
- The hard core of the community can be found in the matrix room.
- The other main form of contact is the mailing list.
- And for OSM information for your country, you can go to the Hungary OSM wiki.
Forum usage rules
For the whole OpenStreetMap Community Forum, the general netikett applies, which can be read in detail in this - for now - English description. The gist in brief:
- the topic is OpenStreetMap, or the OSM community;
- always assume goodwill, because in online communities, especially international ones, it’s very easy to misunderstand each other; if someone’s style is unacceptable, yours should stay that way;
- be courteous and respect others as if you were meeting them in person; passionate debates are part of any project but don’t let them get out of hand;
- be welcoming to newcomers, inexperienced, interested, or anyone with whom you find it difficult to find a common voice; the OSM community’s fundamental purpose is to help each other in the mapping effort;
- if you disagree, try to understand why: disagreements are perfectly natural, but if you disagree with someone try to find out, to understand the reasons for the difference and what the other person’s point of view might be; try to ask questions that help the other person explain their point of view rather than reinforce the disagreement.
- Try to stay on topic: if you are very far apart, start a new topic instead.
- Try to stay focused.
- Don’t repeat yourself just to emphasise your point.
- If the moderators need to act on anything, it is recommended that you ask questions about it in private first, so that the moderator is not the subject of discussion.
- Legally, the OSMF Terms of Use and Privacy Policy apply to the use of this forum.