A tag-edit workflow I find scalable and fun

Below is a description of how I combine mapproxy, Level0, and some minor Python scripts to improve my efficiency in editing OSM.

I am aware that “efficiency in editing OSM” is subjective. What matters for me now is the ability to express my decisions in as few keystrokes as possible, while remaining fully aware of what’s going on with every single feature I edit.

Nothing groundbreaking or important. It’s quite a long post, completely fine to ignore. If you do happen to read it: thanks! Feedback is welcome. Also, if for some reason I should stop editing like this, I’d like to know.

Step 1: Identify potential features to edit

If there is no existing crossing tag, all highway=crossing nodes where zebra markings are visible can be tagged as crossing=uncontrolled in Norway. (See this for exact reasons - they don’t matter for this post).

I download a set of crossings I care about using Overpass API. Let’s say I work in Akershus, id: 406106 (it’s a region mostly around Oslo, see Norway subdivisions). Here is query.ql:

out body;
out skel qt;

Strictly speaking, I could’ve gone without ["crossing:markings"!~"."], but since it doesn’t really matter which crossings I choose as long as I have many, I went with this query. Get the response to a JSON file:

curl --request POST --data @query.ql "https://overpass-api.de/api/interpreter" --output res.json

With Python, I filter the response further, so that I only have those which don’t have a crossing tag already:

import json
import shapely.geometry
import geopandas as gpd

with open('res.json') as f:
    d = json.load(f)

res = d['elements']
noCrossingTag = [e for e in res if 'crossing' not in e['tags'].keys()]

gs = gpd.GeoSeries([shapely.geometry.Point(e['lon'],e['lat']) for e in noCrossingTag]).set_crs(4326).to_crs(3857)
featureids = [e['id'] for e in noCrossingTag]

gs is a GeoSeries of Points, featureids is a list with the OSM IDs of those points.

Step 2: Produce imagery for each selected feature

The Norway Orthophoto source in iD has quite high resolution. In most cases, it’s perfectly possible to see whether or not a crossing has zebra markings. It’s a TMS. After creating a simple mapproxy.yaml:

# Launch via: mapproxy-util serve-develop mapproxy.yaml
# Add this GetCapabilities link to QGIS:
      title: "WebAtlas Ortho WMS"
      abstract: "WMS service for WebAtlas orthophoto tiles"
    srs: ["EPSG:3857"]
    image_formats: ["image/jpeg"]

  - name: webatlas_orto
    title: WebAtlas Ortho Tiles
    sources: [webatlas_orto_cache]

    grids: [global_webmercator]
    sources: [webatlas_orto_source]

    type: tile
    url: https://waapi.webatlas.no/maptiles/tiles/webatlas-orto-newup/wa_grid/%(z)d/%(x)d/%(y)d.jpeg?api_key=b8e36d51-119a-423b-b156-d744d54123d5
    grid: global_webmercator


    base_dir: "./cache_data"
    lock_dir: "./cache_data/locks"

It’s possible to launch a local WMS service relying on those tiles via mapproxy-util serve-develop mapproxy.yaml. After the WMS is up, I can generate imagery for each feature:

import time
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

!rm -rf images
!mkdir images
def save_image(x, y, featureid):

    s = 100
    bbox = ','.join([str(e) for e in [x-s/2, y-s/2, x+s/2, y+s/2]])
    url = f"{bbox}&CRS=EPSG%3A3857&WIDTH=1000&HEIGHT=1000&LAYERS=webatlas_orto&STYLES=&FORMAT=image%2Fjpeg&DPI=144&MAP_RESOLUTION=144&FORMAT_OPTIONS=dpi%3A144"

    response = requests.get(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        img = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content))
        raise Exception(f"Failed to fetch image, status code {response.status_code}")

    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    width, height = img.size
    center_x, center_y = width // 2, height // 2
    l = 50

    draw.line([(center_x + l, center_y), (center_x + 3*l, center_y)], fill="red", width=3)
    draw.line([(center_x - l, center_y), (center_x - 3*l, center_y)], fill="red", width=3)

    draw.line([(center_x, center_y - l), (center_x, center_y - 3*l)], fill="red", width=3)
    draw.line([(center_x, center_y + l), (center_x, center_y + 3*l)], fill="red", width=3)

    # Draw a circle
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    width, height = img.size
    center_x, center_y = width // 2, height // 2
    circle_radius = 50  # Radius of the circle

    # Define the bounding box for the circle
    top_left = (center_x - circle_radius, center_y - circle_radius)
    bottom_right = (center_x + circle_radius, center_y + circle_radius)

    # Draw the circle
    draw.ellipse([top_left, bottom_right], outline="red", width=3)

    # Save the new image
    output_path = f"images/{featureid}.jpeg"
    time.sleep(0.2) # be nice

for ([x], [y]), featureid in tqdm(zip(gs.geometry.apply(lambda row: row.coords.xy), featureids),total=len(gs)):
    save_image(x, y, featureid)

This step has produced images like this:

Filenames show which feature the image is centered on. For Akershus, this process resulted in 773 images. (More examples.)

Step 3: Select images with zebra markings at centres

This is the fun part. Now that there are several hundred images in a directory, I need to select the ones which show a zebra in the middle. There are several ways to do this so that 1 decision, 1 keystroke (or click, depending on preference). For example, use the solution mentioned here, or just upload the iamges to a public bucket and use this site (my chosen method). A somewhat pixelated short clip about this step.

After selecting images which definitely have a zebra in the middle (I selected these - probably there are others which could’ve been selected as well, but what matters the most here is that there are no incorrectly selected ones), I create a nodelist. (A few lines of Python code, but it depends on what method was used for image sorting so I won’t include specific code here.)

Step 4: Add tags to selected features

Coppy the nodelist to Level0:

click Add to editor. When text is loaded:

copy that to a separate file, ie editorcontent.txt. For each node, I’ll add crossing = uncontrolled. This is probably very easy in many programming languages; I do it like this in Python:

input_file = "editorcontent.txt"
output_file = "out.txt"

with open(input_file, "r") as infile, open(output_file, "w") as outfile:
    inside_node = False
    for line in infile:
        stripped_line = line.strip()
        if stripped_line.startswith("node"):
            inside_node = True
        elif inside_node and stripped_line == "":
            outfile.write("  crossing = uncontrolled\n\n")
            inside_node = False
    if inside_node: # Handle case where the file ends without a blank line after the last node
        outfile.write("  crossing = uncontrolled\n")

This produces out.txt. A few example lines:

node 1422974558: 59.9038598, 10.5756223
  highway = crossing
  crossing = uncontrolled

node 1449607423: 59.9108935, 10.6393562
  highway = crossing
  source = bing
  crossing = uncontrolled

node 1455011817: 59.8736342, 10.4951950
  highway = crossing
  crossing = uncontrolled

Delete what’s in the text field of Level0, and insert the context of out.txt. Great care is needed here, if this step is messed up somehow, hundreds of features will be damaged. I recommend checking the changes made via diffchecker.com or similar, to make sure the changes done are indeed the desired changes, and only those. A diffchecker screenshot:

After double checking and giving a meaningful Changeset comment, press Check for conflicts button - if everything ok,and then press Upload to OSM! Done! The changeset.

Step 5: Double check

Then, I head to OSMCha and find the changeset. It should only contain tag changes, and it should not contain any geometry changes. Reassuringly, it does not:


What I like about this workflow is that only step 3 scales with the number of features I edit, while all other steps take constant time. (Constant in the practical meaning of the term.) Step 3 requires only 1 button per image, and then the next image is shown, straight. (There is Previous button in case I need to change my response.)

I hope this workflow is applicable to more areas than tagging whether a zebra crossing is uncontrolled or not. To mention a highly related one: I could’ve focused on crossing:markings=zebra, and the same workflow would’ve worked. A more involved version of this would be to look at street level imagery as well, not just orthophotos. Ie I could count the “number of different phase conductors” for a powerline, check line_attachment, or other aspects of power_towers. (I’m quite into powerlines.)

If there is something I didn’t think of, and I should be more careful/stop with this, tell me. I really enjoyed working with Level0.


This is really very exciting. Thank you for sharing.
I am absolutely not a programmer, so maybe the layman’s question: Couldn’t step 3 also be pre-automated with simple means using an AI / LLM?
I once heard about Tensorflow with which you can build your own image recognition. With your pre-sorting, further images could possibly be categorized automatically.

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Thank you @mcliquid! I think you are right, step 3 could be automated with an image processing AI model. Since I am still a quite novice OpenStreetMap editor, I would like to keep full control of what I’m doing, and I feel outsourcing step 3 to an AI would compromise on that.

In addition to me being AI-incompetent, if I let the control go at step 3, my edits would be probably classified as automated edits, requiring me to follow the

Automated Edits code of conduct and details of edits should be documented on a wiki page in Category:Automated edits log.

(Quote from here.)

So, I don’t plan on doing this, but if others do it, please share the result! :slight_smile: I’ll be excited to check it out. (Also: I recommend being extremely careful with these tools, and review every edit by a human - while I found many AI tools to be helpful, they can get stuff wildly wrong.)


Regarding AI and crossing, there’s this: GitHub - Zaczero/osm-yolo-crossings: 🦓 AI-powered OpenStreetMap tool for importing zebra crossings


@NorthCrab (amongst others) has had a go at this NorthCrab's Diary | 🚸 AI-Powered Pedestrian Crossing Mapping: A Revolution | OpenStreetMap



I use Level0 similar, load the objects I want, copy.edit the text only I use an editor, (g)vim and regular expression search and replace to change what I want. That is faster for me then writing a python script but it limited to relative simple changes.

For more difficult changes I typically load the objects in Josm, save the layer as .osm file and edit then that file using python. Once done, I load the file again in josm, review the changes and upload them.


Thanks for sharing. Your workflow is interesting but sounds complicated.

This particular case I would solve by

  1. Download data to JOSM from Overpass: also checking for crossing tag there
  2. Add crossings to TODO plugin list
  3. Go through all of them using keyboard shortcuts. Purging the ones I don’t want to edit
  4. Add tag to remaining ones
  5. Submit changeset

Thank you @starsep! I did try to make progress on this topic using JOSM, but I had a slightly different workflow than you describe (I did your step 3 and 4 together). Maybe (or probably) partly due to this, I wasn’t able to get to the proximity of 1 keypress per decision efficiency. I’ll retry using your steps!