A newly built road I added does not appear on the map

I added a newly built road along the shore of Tso Moriri lake in India a few months ago, but it has not been included in the standard map or in any other layer (modification group 156195340.
Is it ok or I did something wrong or have I to complete some other step?
Thank you in advance,

Ctrl-F5 should clear the cache and display new tiles (and the roads)


Thank-you Le_Sharkoïste, it worked.
Second point, when these changes will be available in OpenTopoMap too?

According to the wiki page for OpenTopoMap:

As of 2024, the project is not currently in active development. Tiles are still available but the maps are not currently being updated with new data. However, there are plans to resume development when time allows.

You might want to try another style that shows similar detail.

Hi littlecocks, welcome to our forum here.

An alternative to Open Topo Map is TracesTrack Topo which is available as layer in the standard map: