A moment of happiness over data consumption

I just noticed that a street lamp I had mapped with light:count=2, light:shape=directed and a semicolon separated light:direction=105;285 actually got the directions rendered by Street Lamps in OSM:


It somehow makes me a little happy that a data consumer out there can handle this case :slight_smile:


Thanks a bunch for that link, something new to me. Am doing them with the full set including tilt, count, directions, AND light type, so here is electric and LED in the rail underpass.


Thanks for the link, too. I love the look but apparently there are lot and lots of work to do to fill this map with light … next thing I surely gonna do is map all the streetlights in my surrounding!

Btw. how was your little refreshing January swim … :wink:

It’s still planned, but I’m in the trades so it will happen when my work day ends in that area.