30DayMapChallenge 2024

Tiesittekö että tänään on sekä GIS Päivä että 30DayMapChallengen “OSM-teemapäivä”?

Mainio tilaisuus oikein luvan kanssa tehdä OpenStreetMapia tunnetuksi siis! Ajattelin ainakin itse osallistua muutamalla some-postauksella. Jos tulee vastaan jotain mielenkiintoisia tuotoksia niin niistähän voisi vihjaista vaikka tässä keskusteluketjussa. Laitan tänne myös omat juttuni tiedoksi, kunhan saan ne aikaiseksi.

En ehtinyt vielä tutkimaan muiden mahdollisia 30DayMapChallenge-tuotoksia tältä päivältä, mutta tällaisen yhteenvedon sain laadittua noista omista tuotoksistani LinkedIn:ssä & X:ssä …

Today I participated in the 30DayMapChallenge with three examples that showcase the versatility of the OpenStreetMap data and the power of this community-driven project. These example datasets would in principle be impossible to get anywhere else, but thanks to the activity of the OpenStreetMap Community and the flexibility of the OpenStreetMap data model they’re available from OpenStreetMap for free to anyone.

In OSM we map in principle anything that can somehow be spotted on the ground. If you’re interested in a more detailed list of mapped things please check out the map features list in the OSM wiki and if you feel you would like to contribute something to the community - just join in. See beginner’s guide for details.

Here’s a list of the three examples I mentioned …

Milk Churn Stands (maitolaituri) of Finland
This map contains the milk churn stands (maitolaiturit) of Finland. These structures where initially used for collecting milk churns (maitotonkka) before going to the creamery. Milk churns are often still placed on them for decorative purposes and some of these have been totally created for nostalgia/decorative purposes and never actually been used in the agricultural business. Some have been reused for new purposes like bus stops, public book shelves and even museums.
These objects are in general too small (under 10 square meters) to be included as structures in the Finnish National Land Survey (Maanmittauslaitos) data model so OpenStreetMap is in principle the only available dataset where you can find these as individual objects.

Railway Station Buildings (rautatieasemarakennukset) of Finland
This map contains the railway station buildings (rautatieasemarakennukset) of Finland. Some of them are nowadays used for other purposes eg. commercial or residential, but their initial usage and often also their old names along with wiki links are still visible in the OSM data so you can easily extract them from the data.
This building usage is more specific than you can get out of the authoritative datasets. The Finnish Building and Dwelling Register (Rakennus- ja huoneistorekisteri) has a class that groups all station and terminal buildings into one group (0510 Asemarakennukset ja terminaalit) regardless of the mode of transport, so OpenStreetMap is the only place you can get these separately.

Workout Stairs (kuntoportaat) of Finland
This map contains the workout stairs (kuntoportaat) of Finland. Workout stairs are stairs that are mainly built or used for exercising. In the data they’re stairs that have been tagged with a sports usage. Often the data also contains the number of steps and information about possible handrails, lighting etc.
The Finnish Sport Facilities Register (LIPAS) might contain most of these objects, but there they’re grouped under a generic outdoor gym category. Some municipalities might list these under their own sport facilities, but on national level OpenStreetMap is the only place to obtain these separately.

These maps were created with umap - a tool with which you can create maps with OpenStreetMap layers and embed those on your site. It is powered by open source.

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