2023 Board election - Candidates' answers and manifestos

The candidates of the 2023 OSMF board election were asked about their views on the following topics:

  • Strategic Plan
  • On Imagery Sources
  • On Diversity and Inclusion
  • On Fundraising
  • On appointive board-adjacent positions
  • OSMF and Overture Maps Foundation
  • OSM Data - protection, legal threats and vandalism (3 questions)

Their answers and their manifestos, are now on the OSM wiki:

As a reminder, voting will open on 2023-12-02 16:00 UTC.

Additional resources

For more information regarding the 2023 OSM Foundation board election and the 17th Annual General Meeting please see the following links:


Board members come and go, but Dorothea persists, sticking around to help introduce them and organize our elections every year (in addition to all other assistance she gives, which is substantial). Thank you Dorothea!


Thank you Logan :slight_smile:

I like to help - I also have to note that it is part of my work :slight_smile:

You were involved with the election process in the past, so you know what I’m going to say, but taking the opportunity to mention some things for people who are not much involved with the Foundation:

there are many volunteers involved in the board elections, who might not be as visible. For example, Chisom Ejeh facilitated the questions for this election, Michael Collinson had a meeting with Chisom for guidance, Michael Spreng (Membership Working Group) will have access to the OpaVote voting platform and independently verify the election results, other volunteers of the Membership Working Group help with election-related membership enquiries, community members asked questions/made changes to the election pages on the wiki, the candidates took on the work to answer, and of course members who take the time to read about the candidates and vote. If you are reading this and you want to get involved with the OSM Foundation, volunteering in one of the working groups, such as the Membership Working Group, is a good way to do that. And if you don’t have time for volunteering, even making suggestions/comments helps. Feel free to create a thread, or send an email to the board or to me (board@osmfoundation.org, dorothea@osmfoundation.org).

Logan, thanks again for your kind words :slight_smile:


Yes, a good reminder that many volunteers keep things running behind the scenes. Thank you to everyone who is participating in this process to ensure it goes smoothly.

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It can be worth mentioning on the voting page that Opavote not only requires to activate Javascript, but also makes direct calls to ajax.googleapis.com to show the ballots. For those of us who block outgoing requests to websites run by Google, this must be turned off to participate to the vote.