2 questions: Layer ordering and svg pattern


I have 2 questions. the OSM i am working on is legacy project, using osmarenderer and C#.
I have the following layer types:
Point, PointText_ele, PointText_name, PointText_ref, Polygon, PolygonText_name, PolygonText_ref, Polyline_width, Polyline, PolylineText_lock_name, PolylineText_name, PolylineText_ref, PolylineText,
How do i know what is the proper layering order ? I have come to set it as:
Polygon, PolygonText_name, PolygonText_ref, Point, PointText_ele, PointText_name, PointText_ref, Polyline, Polyline_width, PolylineText_lock_name, PolylineText_name, PolylineText_ref, PolylineText,
is this the order they use in site openstreetmap.org ? lines are above polygon, a polylinetext will be on top of polyline, etc…

#2: In my project, they used osmarender with its rules, sadly - it is no longer supported, But i still have question.
In the rule there is node like this:
<svg:pattern id=“national-park-pattern” x=“0” y=“0” width=“24” height=“24” patternUnits=“userSpaceOnUse” patternTransform=“scale(2.6)”>
<svg:path style=“fill:none;stroke:#c7f1a3;stroke-width:0.1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-opacity:0.5;” d="
M9.2,6.6 L9.2,5.4 L9.8,6.6 L9.8,5.4
M10.2,6.1 L10.45,6.1 A 0.25 0.25 0 0 0 10.45,5.4 L10.2,5.4 L10.2,6.6 "/>

In my C# code, i am taking this node and suppose to build a SVG image out of it ? Is the data inside the tag is enough for building an image ?

Thanks and sorry for noob questions.