Zanocuj w lesie overlay map

Hello everyone :wave:,

Im planning a bicycle tour trough northeast poland. I want to tent in the nature and read about the amazing “Zanocuj w lesie” program.

Im looking for a nice solution to integrate the Zanocuj w lesie areas into my navigation map osmand to be able to decide offline on the road where to sleep. I downloaded the .kml file of the Zanocuj w lesie areas. But the osmand-app breaks down when I try to view the file - should be too big. So I tried to convert the .kml file into a .mbtiles file in order to use it as a underlay map. I used Gdal but in the end the .mbtiles files seems to be defect. I’m a total newbe in all this Gis-stuff and would really be happy for some advice or a working solution, maybe someone here already did this procedure.

na zdrowie and greetings froms Constance,

Try this to simplify the areas:

maybe try to connect WMS layer?
(Bank Danych o Lasach)