$www_dir & $yours_dir

Hello i am newbie trying to make YOURS work, i dont know what values i should put here $www_dir & $yours_dir

i tried following the instructions found in http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/YOURS

particularly this part:

Setup instructions

* I assume that a webserver with PHP is already available. If not, there are many manuals on the internet on how to get this running.
* SVN tools are needed to get a copy from the repository. Contact me for a zip file if you don't have (or want) SVN tools installed. 

Installing Gosmore routing engine

* Get a copy of Gosmore following the instructions from: Gosmore
* Download a precompiled map as described in the link above, name it gosmore.pak and put it in the same directory where Gosmore resides.
* Alternatively you can download a planet dump or planet extract from: Planet and convert it into a gosmore.pak following the instruction on the Gosmore wiki page. 

Installing YOURS website

* Go to the public html directory and get a copy of YOURS using the SVN command:

  svn co [http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/routing/yours/trunk/www](http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/routing/yours/trunk/www) yours

The part where i get confused at is this part, could someone help me please?

You should now have a directory named ‘yours’ in the public html directory.

* Open gosmore.php in the API directory, e.g.: yours/api/dev/gosmore.php and put the correct path the the yours www directory ($www_dir), the path to the gosmore routing engine ($yours_dir) and an email address for the administrator (only used to notify API abusers) so you may leave it blank. 

The Errors i get are:

Warning: fopen(/home/lambertus/public_html/yours/commands.log) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Xampp\xampp\htdocs\YOURS\api\1.0\gosmore.php on line 158

Warning: chdir() [function.chdir]: No such file or directory (errno 2) in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Xampp\xampp\htdocs\YOURS\api\1.0\gosmore.php on line 164
An unexpected error occured in Gosmore:
Warning: fopen(/home/lambertus/public_html/yours/requests.csv) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Xampp\xampp\htdocs\YOURS\api\1.0\gosmore.php on line 255

Warning: fopen(/home/lambertus/public_html/yours/requests.csv) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Xampp\xampp\htdocs\YOURS\api\1.0\gosmore.php on line 262

Hope someone can help… thank you

I should have mentioned that the environment variable interface to Gosmore does not work under Windows (at least I haven’t gotten that to work), so effectively this means you’ll have to use Linux. I’ll add this to the wiki documentation.

The www_dir variable should contain the absolute path to the directory in which the YOURS website is installed, e.g. under Linux this is often: /home/[username]/public_html/yours

The yours_dir variable should contain the absolute path to the directory in which Gosmore and the gosmore.pak file is installed.

oh so does this mean i cant use the YOURS program on my computer unless i switch to linux? thers no way at all that i can use it on windows? :-/

Well, you can try ofcourse, but I haven’t tested it and I’m fairly sure you will need to change a few things in gosmore.php at least (e.g. the way QUERY_STRING is initialized and used). Also, you won’t be able to generate a new Gosmore.pak under Windows, but that is only a minor problem as you can download precompiled gosmore.pak files).

What about testing the YOURS framework with any linux yo want in a virtual PC you can install via Qemu, VirtualBox, Bochs, VirtualPC, VMware, to name but a few?

@Lambertus & @Stephan75 - thanks guys i’ll try things out, let you know if it works out or not, thanks again!

If you want to run Linux on a Windows machine, then this might be useful: http://lifehacker.com/228956/install-and-run-ubuntu-without-disturbing-windows