Wishlist for universal Importer

Hi there, in my next term I will try to code a general Importer to OSM with a modular structure and easy to use. I have allready ideas but wan’t to know what you think is important, or just to make crazy wishes (good for long time planing) :slight_smile:


You might start by investigating ogr2osm

By utilising ogr you would get for free support for projections and a bunch of GIS formats

Please consider making an osm2Spatialite exporter at the same, such a utility would be nice to have.

I want to use Java so OGR library will not work.

There are Java bindings if you can tolerate using those http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/GdalOgrInJava.

I don’t know if this is a good choice cause I wan’t to have a own representation cause of the plugin architecture. But all right, its an idea :wink: