Will making trail changes show up over on alltrails.com, how long?

This is an older thread - but I’m going to answer for it anyway - since my information might be useful to some.

I’ve been a contributor to OSM for some years - and I’m also a consumer: Facebook, Grab, Apple, Microsoft, Alltrails, OSMAnd among the companies I use services from that rely completely or partially on OSM data.

I noticed that OSMAnd allows me as contributor the live updates - so any change I make on the OSM database is reflected within a few minutes.

Grab for instance - took them about 12 months to reflect updates I made.

Alltrails several times I made updates and saw them to update within a few weeks up to a few months.

So there’s no “golden rule” when companies update.

You just gotta have patience - or use apps that update very regularly like OSMAnd.

The choice is on us - that’s the beauty with OSM - since tons of companies and services rely on it - we can choose the ones that update rather frequently.

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