Wiki: Swiss GWR Address Data Import Guide

I have reorganized the “Data Cleanup” section for better clarity and added a step to only select ways with address data where no POIs or names are present.

I added information on how to handle “Subject Only” cases.

Response to Comments on Grüningen ZH Import

I have made several imports in the past few days, focusing on areas with less than 60% address coverage. I’d like to address comments regarding my import for Grüningen ZH: Changeset #159514858.

Official Abbreviations in Switzerland

Is there a consensus in Switzerland about using official abbreviations as listed in the Amtliches Verzeichnis? In Grüningen ZH, abbreviations like “Binziker-Str.” reflect official records and local signage.

“Strassennamen sind mit der offiziellen Schreibweise (gemäss dem amtlichen Verzeichnis der Strassen) zu beschriften.”

At the same time, the OSM Wiki recommends:

“Von den o.g. Regeln abgesehen, solltest du den Namen immer so eintragen, wie er auf den Straßenschildern steht, aber sei dir im Klaren, dass Schilder auch Fehler haben können.”
(OSM Wiki: DE:Abkürzungen)

Proposed Solution if Official Abbreviations Are Not Preferred

If the official name is not desirable in addr:street, alternative tags could be used:

  • alt_name: Common alternative names in use. (0.4% usage with addr:street in Switzerland)
  • short_name: Abbreviated name (e.g., “Binziker-Str.”). (0.04% usage)
  • official_name: Official name from the registry (e.g., “Binziker-Str.”). (0.01% usage)

Feedback on these approaches is welcome to define a consistent workflow for such cases.

Post-Import Improvements for Grüningen ZH

Municipality Matching % Matching Missing Different or Missing Postcode Different or Missing City addr:street Instead of addr:place Non-GWR Warnings Total
Grüningen before Import 529 56% 404 15 9 29 360 396
Grüningen after Import 933 100% 0 0 0 0 43 44
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