Wie für Kanus taggen?

Hello OSMers in Germany

Please forgive me writing in English: mein Schulesdeutsch ich habe ganz vergessen.

I am wanting to tag some things for canoeists (Kanufahrer) and it seems this is much more developed in Germany.

Can anyone help me find out: do you have a settled system for tagging the portages at locks, where paddlers carry the boat?

What about the different types of landing-place such as in the pictures here?

I have tried to use the tags I have found, but I think there must be a better way:

Thank you for any help.


EDIT: Do reply in German if it’s easier: I can read better than I can write. Thanks.

I am not a canoeist mapper myself, but maybe a glance at https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:WikiProject_Whitewater_Maps might help.


Hi Edward,

  1. This tagging for the putin looks OK for me. You could use the description-Tag for more details about the putin and optional add seamark-Tags if appropriate (for example https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/6635556504).

  2. You set canoe=portal for the way https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/719041197. This is OK too. When the way is only used for canoe portage and is not visible as a path I would not set highway=path;access=no;foot=designated

  3. I would also set a leisure=slipway;canoe=put_in on the point where you egress (https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/6751250891).


Hi Edward,

I suggest:

Documented here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dpier

Paddelnder Gruß - Olaf

Mein Englisch ist leider genauso schlecht wie Dein Deutsch, I’ve forgotten most of my school-englisch :slight_smile:
Aber ich verstehe ungefähr, was Du auf Englisch geschrieben hast und hoffe, Du verstehst, was ich auf Deutsch schreibst.

Kennst Du diese Seite? https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Whitewater_sports (deutsch) bzw. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Whitewater_sports (englisch)


Dankeschön für alle diese Hilfe. (Und ja, Galbinus, ich Dich verstehe!)

I will spend some time looking at the Beispeile you mention, and perhaps some others Overpass gives me, and will come back with the inevitable questions.

Danke und auf Wiedersehen,
