What value of lanes ist correct when the lane markings are 4-5m wide?

I don’t think a rule like “to count as a lane, it must be at least X meters wide” is feasible cause what is considered drivable will also differ quite a bit from country to country. I wouldn’t tag a residential road that is not broad enough to let two trucks pass each other without evasion with lanes=1 if the normal traffic on that road can do so easily. My rule would be, how the road is actually used. So, in doubt, checking it on-site: Do oncoming cars generally pass each other without having to evade each other or not?

This is not too objective, I know. But a measure that is objective is width, we have that as well. So to be precise I guess it would be better anyway to tag the width instead for slim lanes < 3 roads.

To discuss german law here is not purposeful.
All your topic with lanes is already discussed in the German subforum.

I don’t know why you love to make your own discussion in a separate branch instead of use existing …

Also bitte … Hier gehts weiter

The discussion takes place here, because here or in the English Mailforum a result of the German forum was revised. Just because I disprove a thesis using the example of one country does not mean that this is not generally true. But I think the discussion fell asleep anyway.