What 'key' should be tagged for these amenities?

I remember in New Zealand I have seen similar stuff. But it’s like 10 years back since I have been there. But they have been very strikt while entering some areas. Like need to clean tires. Might be useful to get in touch with the community over there.

Yes - or in other words, technically it’s the opposite of Tag:amenity=vacuum_cleaner

It seems there are no such devices/stations tagged yet and so there are might be different options:

  • amenity=air_duster
  • amenity=compressed_air_duster
  • amenity=compressed_air_duster_station
  • amenity=clothing_cleaning_station

In England I have seen places where there are hiking-boot cleaning facility with water and brushes or boot-scrapers.
My thought is that these are all some form of amenity=cleaning_station which need to be expanded with tags denoting the exact features and purpose. water, compressed air, bug_spray, boot_cleaner . . .
For gaining acceptance I suggest a proposal for the amenity which also includes a description of future work which will suppport the amenity tag.


personnaly, I would not put much effort in tagging such “curiosity” amenities… Simply because they will not be displayed by any map using OSM database anyway. Even OSM editors will show off-standard point tags only as a poin without any special icon.
If there are are alot of such facilities in a country, maybe run the process to make it an “official recognized” tag…

yes, that’s what we’re trying to determine here - what would be best tags to officially propose, as those amenities seems quite often used in some countries (while non-existent in others). See:

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Sounds good

Related discussion on Tagging mailing list about “wheel baths for disinfection”


What kind of amenities should we call a foot-washing facility?

maybe amenity=foot_wash? There is none yet but it would fit into similar washs.


Is it drinking water and could you drink from it? Maybe it is something for the fountain=* tag?

I would tend toward something less specific like amenity=cleaning_station (or better sanitary_station?) - we’ve already had in this thread at least those related features:

  • footwear brushing/cleaning/disinfection
  • barefoot washing
  • barefoot desinfectant (chlorinated puddles)
  • hand washing
  • clothing cleaning air-compressor
  • car tire-disinfection (“wheel bath”)
  • spray tick repellent (somewhat outlier to “cleaning” but still “sanitary”-related)

Which could be further distinguished by (easily extendable) separate cleaning_station=* sub-tag.

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I think that would come under “Yes you could, but should you / would you want to?” :thinking:

After people have been washing their dirty feet / shoes in it, & possibly with disinfectant of some kind in the water, I don’t think we should be adding it as a water source?

Once again, no, I don’t think that would match either?

It is a rare case, there is a foot-washing facility at downtown, not a seaside city.

The position: OpenStreetMap

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