What is the exact responsibility of a country forum moderator ?

Those two answers are to very different questions. The first came out of a requirement to moderate the OSM talk@ and OSMF talk@ mailing lists (the first line of the link says just that). The second is a response by Frederik / woodpeck to a request by the forum admins to the DWG to resolve an issue in the Greek forum (the context for which is upthread from that link).

Note that it is currently planned that the country forums here (and the other forums) will have their content migrated to https://community.openstreetmap.org/ , and I believe that the relevant post on the relevant discussion about moderation is here: https://community.openstreetmap.org/t/osm-etiquette-guidelines/647/40 .

If anyone has any remaining questions about this sort of thing then that thread is likely to be the best place to converse, rather than a new thread in “Questions and Answers”; if anything about what I’m describing is unclear then by all means ask here and I’ll try and answer to the best of my ability (with the caveat that I’m not a forum admin, am not a community.osm.org admin, and am not involved in the migration!).