What do you like most about OpenStreetMap?

First OSM Community experienced people as they are tried their best to provide us with the best quality data about maps
Second, it is free to use and editable, I can navigate where I want to be.


It’s free to use map data that enables me to directly update/add/correct data without any gatekeeping company in between that delays this feedback loop by months.

Also there is a big ecosystem of open source or free tools making osm data useable and useful.


I can map what I want when I want. And everyone has their own style and that makes every part of the map unique, just like art.


That’s why, I am here. :star_struck:


The dog footprints :paw_prints: that OSM Carto draws in dog parks. :paw_prints:

That are actually four things! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

The high level of detail, the fact that all the data is “solid” (not the vaguely-defined, AI-sourced, patchy details on Google Maps), the ability to contribute directly and see your changes, and the wide range of uses for the data - from routing to 3D rendering.

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Anybody who wants or needs a map, can have or even make a map. Well, of Earth, anyway.

You might need some help, you might even do much of it yourself. Either way, that’s pretty awesome: we all get to “stand on each other’s shoulders” and be a little taller about our maps.


I love seeing and studying how different cities are organized. When I map roads, I see all sorts of things that prompt me to think “Why don’t other countries do that”?


I used to work for a national mapping agency and the only option to update something was to do so for a full 50K map (30X40km)! The inertia, the weight of the public administration was preventing mapping the changes of simple road sections, even when only a few km from the office!

So, my answer: being able to update the map, when it is necessary, where it is necessary!


50K? Is that Pythagoras or what do you mean?

50K map = 1:50 000 scale map

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OSM is far better than that.

Before OSM we used OS 1:50k maps and 1:25k maps.

50k maps were ok, but lack real detail needed for hiking. For that we used 25k maps.

50k maps were ok, but lack real detail needed for hiking. For that we used 25k maps.

yeah, with OpenStreetMap we have 1 maps (scale 1:1)

My point! Get nice and detailled map that you can update when /where required :slight_smile:

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